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Closed for Presidents' Day

All HFCU branches, drive-thru windows, and HFCUVT Video Branch will be closed Monday, February 17 for Presidents' Day.

Our call center, eBranch and M.A.R.S are available 24/7.


We're here to help you - whenever you need us.

Email us an unsecure message. Please do not include your member number, social security number, or any other personal information within an email.

Existing members can send a secure message, including personal and private information, through eBranch.

Want in-person assistance without leaving the comfort of home or the office? Our live team is here to help, with our HFCUVT Video Branch. 

Young woman call center agent

We're here for you!

The Call Center at HFCU is happy to help you with your financial needs. Our Call Center agents can assist with transactions like:

  • Loan Applications & Questions
  • eBranch Registration & Questions 
  • Overdraft Setup
  • Loan Payments
  • Debit and Credit Card Limit Increases
  • And more!

You can reach the Call Center 24/7/365 by calling 888.252.8932.

Happy senior man talking on cell phone

Member Automated Response System (M.A.R.S)

M.A.R.S is available 24/7/365 and can assist with transactions like:

  • checking your balances
  • completing transfers
  • check requests
  • stop payments

To call M.A.R.S directly, dial 800.374.8469.

A couple chats with Video Agents through HFCUVT Video Branch.

HFCUVT Video Branch

Want in-person assistance without leaving the comfort of home or the office? Our live team is here to help! HFCUVT Video Branch can assist with transactions like:

  • Open a new HFCU membership or add a joint member
  • Apply for a loan or check the status of an application
  • Open savings, checking, health savings account, or Term Share Certificate
  • Wire transfers
  • Open an IRA or withdraw from an existing one
  • Assistance with eBranch, our online banking platform
  • And much more!

Dad using laptop while daughters play nearby

We're just a tap away


During business hours, chat with a live HFCU employee who would happily answer your eBranch questions and account questions, resolve issues, help facilitate a loan payment or anything else you can think of! You can access chat from the bottom right-hand corner of any web page. 

CHAT NOW or Start a video call

A woman browses social media on her smart phone.

Stay in the loop

HFCU Text Updates

Be the first to learn about important Heritage Family Credit Union announcements and events. Text HFCUVT to 855.584.1248 to subscribe and you won't miss a thing. 

  • How do HFCU text updates work?

    HFCU will send text messages to anyone who has opted into our mobile opt-in list. You will receive text messages notifying you of important news like unexpected or weather-related branch closings.

  • Who can opt-in?

    Anyone! You don't have to be a member to receive text messages from HFCU.

  • How can I opt-in?

    You can opt-in from any mobile device - just text keyword HFCUVT to 855.584.1248. You will receive a welcome message like this: "TY for enrolling in HFCU text updates! MSG & Data rates may apply. 5msg/month. Type HFCUVTSTOP to opt-out.”

  • How can I opt-out of this service?

    Text HFCUVTSTOP to 855.584.1248. You can reply HFCUVTSTOP whenever you receive a text message from HFCU.

  • How are HFCU text updates created?

    Text updates are created and scheduled for delivery by HFCU. We facilitate the opt-in/opt-out and delivery of text messages in direct compliance with the Mobile Marketing Code of Conduct. 

You will receive up to five text updates per month once your subscription has been confirmed. You can opt-out at any time by sending HFCUVTSTOP to 855.584.1248. Message and Data Rates May Apply. By sending HFCUVT to 855.584.1248, you accept our Terms and Conditions.